Sexuality as sensory and spiritual: an art-making workshop exploring embodied affective experiences at the intersection of faith, migration, gender, and sexuality.

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Workshop on “Sexuality as Sensory and Spiritual”

Please join us the workshop “Sexuality as Sensory and Spiritual” on October 1st 2024 (from 9 am -1 pm) at FAU Erlangen. This art-making workshop is led by Gabriel Hoosain Khan, who specializes in developing creative methodologies (such as art, drama, and creative writing) to facilitate dialogues and healing, conduct participatory action research, and develop strategic responses to trauma and violence.

Participatory Art-making Session

This participatory art-making session will use body-mapping as a technique, to explore experiences of marginality and critical resilience among participants. During the session participants will be invited to create their own body-maps, which plot and chart the ways faith, migration, gender, and sexuality are navigated in their lives. Through the process of artmaking, participants will be invited to reflect on how art-based methods can be used to engage and respond to the needs of communities on the margins of society.

Art-making as Catharsis and Healing

The session will end with a discussion on the use of collective art-making as catharsis and healing, as a tool for collaborative meaning-making and social analysis, and as a mechanism to resist oppression and violence.

Guiding Questions for the Session

Guiding question for the session: what are the opportunities and limitations of using arts-based methods for research? How do arts-based methods trouble academic knowledge production and dissemination practices? What possibilities do arts-based methods offer in working across borders or boundaries?

Register Here

For registration please click As space is limited, be sure to register as soon as possible but by September 16th, 2024, at the latest. The exact workshop location will be provided after registration. For further info,  please contact Yupita Atuna at