SDAC Workshop Series: Public Speaking with Professional Presentation Coach Eric Molin of IMPACT Presenting
In the framework of the SDAC workshop series Eric Molin, owner of Impact Presenting, offered a virtual workshop on public speaking on May 28, 2021. The workshop was offered with the support of the Bavarian Elite Network (ENB).
Based on a 4-steps-model the students learned techniques on how to manage their anxiety, share their knowledge with enthusiasm, and deliver audience-oriented presentations. By means of several examples, scenarios, and practices the students learned how to create “brain-friendly content”. Practices such as storytelling and the engagement of the audience will help them improve their presentations and at best even deliver a “wow-factor” in their public speaking. To further improve their skills, each student received the book “IMPACT Presenting: Better public speaking and presentations in 4 steps” by Eric Molin. The students enjoyed the workshop very much and confidently look forward to their next presentations.