Rethinking Interdisciplinary Approaches to Decision-Making: Choice, Culture, and Context

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Rethinking Interdisciplinary Approaches to Decision-Making: Choice, Culture, and Context

A highlight in the summer semester 2019 was the joint workshop of the Elite Graduate Program “Standards of Decision-Making across Cultures“ with IKGF. The aim of the workshop was to focus on the complexity of the term “decision-making” and explore its variable usage across the disciplines.


Knowledge exchange and new perspectives
To gain a better understanding of decision-making and the different perspectives, the Elite Graduate Program “Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures” decided to host a workshop titled “Rethinking Interdisciplinary Approaches to Decision-Making: Choice, Culture, and Context” together with the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities. By drawing from the IKGF’s comprehensive experience in studying issues related to modes of prognostication and forms of goal-oriented behavior, as well as relating them to SDAC’s different disciplinary approaches to decision-making, the workshop provided an environment to exchange knowledge and offered new perspectives for the participants. A highlight was the keynote lecture by Prof. Joachim Gentz (University of Edinburgh) on “Foundations of Decision-Making: Liberties, Liabilities, and Lies” as well as the final discussion about decision-making theories with all participants.

Facing the challenge: joint book project

Inspired by the workshop and the discovered lack of transdisciplinary theories and literature about decision-making, the workshop participants further agreed to work together on a joint book project introducing and combining different theoretical approaches.