The SDAC Master’s Program would like to inform you about the following:

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As the Elite Master´s Program is currently in the midst of appeal proceedings for the program´s professorships the SDAC Coordination is pleased to invite you to the following presentations:

Friday, July 7, 2017

8:00 Uhr Dr. Anna Andreeva (Universität Heidelberg)
Childbirth and the Arts of Judgment in Medieval Japan

9:45 Uhr Dr. Jeanne Féaux de la Croix (Universität Tübingen)
Disappearing Dams and Emerging Glaciers: Temporality, Affect and Planning on Central Asia’s Rivers

12:00 Uhr Dr. Götz Hoeppe (University Waterloo)
Whose expertise counts? Remarks on the anthropology of decision-making

13:45 Uhr Prof. Dr. Aditya Malik (Nalanda University)
Divine Interventions: Healing and Justice in the Central Himalayas

Monday, July 10, 2017

8:00 Uhr Dr. Stéphanie Homola (Max-Planck-Institut Berlin)

Ritual practices of judgment: reducing uncertainty through computation in Chinese divination

9:45 Uhr Dr. Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi (Universität Bern)

The way of the road: An anthropology of infrastructure at China’s Inner Asian borders

12:00 Uhr Dr. Madlen Kobi (Universität Lugano)
Constructing Cityscapes: Anthropological Perspectives on Architecture and Materialities in Urban China

13:45 Uhr Dr. Jean-Baptiste Pettier (Universität Köln)

Whose Decision was it? Matchmaking in China and the Political Economy of Decision-Making